Toos Bonten
Toos (Catharina) Bonten.
Works and lives in Sterksel.
Dutch artist.
The Netherlands.
Was active with education and the theory of education.
1992-1997 Finished my study at the New Academie in Utrecht.
2009- Participation Biënnale in Florence.
2018- Participation in the Colorfield Performance in Sloten
in kader van Leeuwarden Culturele Hoofdstad 2018.
Art is passion! For me art is creating a new reality.
I make sculptures in stone and bronze.
In stone I am seaching for balance between polished and rough stone.
Women are a favorite subject.
My bronze sculptures are femail, graceful, dancing en elegant.
My paintings are very colourful.
I want to make the World more beautiful with sculptures and colourful paintings.